Shop HyVee the BEST at FRESH! WHITE & BARGAINS Kettle a HyVee HOT deals 1.99ea. with purchase of 4 Frito-Lay Lay's Kettle Cooked, Rold Gold or Munchies 5 to 16 oz. 5.88 Gatorade sports drink 8 pack bottles 20 fl. oz. MINE 3.981b. Fresh ground chuck 85% lean, 15% fat (from our service case) buy two, get two FREE Pepsi products 10 pack mini cans 7.5 fl. oz. 8 pack bottles or 12 pack cans 12 fl. oz. Ad prices effective July 1-7, 2024 1.48 lb. Moonlight peaches or nectarines 1.99 Kraft natural cheese shredded, chunk or crumbles 5 to 8 oz. Select varieties included. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Plus deposit on applicable SCAN TO VIEW FULL AD RACE INTO SAVINGS FRI. - SAT. ONLY! JULY 5-7 While supplies last. 1.99 COSMIC Brownies 3/$8 3.29 PACES Cheetos ETZELS OREO 2700 DeKalb Ave, Sycamore, IL | (815) 756-6174 Shop HyVee the BEST at FRESH ! WHITE & BARGAINS Kettle a HyVee HOT deals 1.99ea . with purchase of 4 Frito - Lay Lay's Kettle Cooked , Rold Gold or Munchies 5 to 16 oz . 5.88 Gatorade sports drink 8 pack bottles 20 fl . oz . MINE 3.981b . Fresh ground chuck 85 % lean , 15 % fat ( from our service case ) buy two , get two FREE Pepsi products 10 pack mini cans 7.5 fl . oz . 8 pack bottles or 12 pack cans 12 fl . oz . Ad prices effective July 1-7 , 2024 1.48 lb. Moonlight peaches or nectarines 1.99 Kraft natural cheese shredded , chunk or crumbles 5 to 8 oz . Select varieties included . We reserve the right to limit quantities . Plus deposit on applicable SCAN TO VIEW FULL AD RACE INTO SAVINGS FRI . - SAT . ONLY ! JULY 5-7 While supplies last . 1.99 COSMIC Brownies 3 / $ 8 3.29 PACES Cheetos ETZELS OREO 2700 DeKalb Ave , Sycamore , IL | ( 815 ) 756-6174