SM-CL1978059 QUIT for 9 months. QUIT for good. You've quit for nine months - great! Now quit for good. Our nurses and certified tobacco counselors are with you every step. Free counseling and treatment plans. Quit QUITLINE 1-866-QUIT-YES ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION IN ILLINOIS 1-866-784-8937 Se habla español. DeKalb LEE COUNTY County Health Department OGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health HEALTH Department P Hoone County Health Department Prevent Promote Protect This project was made possible by funds received from the Illinois Department of Public Health. SM - CL1978059 QUIT for 9 months . QUIT for good . You've quit for nine months - great ! Now quit for good . Our nurses and certified tobacco counselors are with you every step . Free counseling and treatment plans . Quit QUITLINE 1-866 - QUIT - YES ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION IN ILLINOIS 1-866-784-8937 Se habla español . DeKalb LEE COUNTY County Health Department OGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health HEALTH Department P Hoone County Health Department Prevent Promote Protect This project was made possible by funds received from the Illinois Department of Public Health .