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    September 20, 2023
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S Health Insurance Marketplace Special Enrollment Period The Health Insurance Marketplace is a service run by the federal government that helps people and families compare health insurance plans for coverage and affordability. You may be eligible for reductions in monthly health care premiums known as premium tax credits. Normally the marketplace is open from November 1st - Jan 15th but you may be eligible based on special exceptions listed below: Changed your income $ Aged off a parent's plan 26 Got Married Moved to a new area X Lost coverage Y Got divorced Had a baby or adopted Gained citizenship Lost student health insurance Job Change (Federal Poverty Level) Special enrollment periods are only effective within 60 days of a qualifying life event. Beginning August 15th, the services for enrollment are by appointment only. DeKalb County Health Department Prevent-Protect - Promote Contact our Healthcare Enrollment Assistance Program Navigators 815-748-2498 or 815-748-2154 Medicaid applications can be submitted to the state year-round. Contact our navigators for assistance. If you have questions related to Medicare, please call Elder Care Services of DeKalb County at (815) 758-6550 This Health Enrollment Assistance Program-Navigator (HEAP-N) is supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial award funded by CMS/HHS totaling $158.005.00 annually. The contents are those of the DeKalb County Health Department and do not necessarily represent the official views of nor on endorsement, by CMS/HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, visit us at | fl S Health Insurance Marketplace Special Enrollment Period The Health Insurance Marketplace is a service run by the federal government that helps people and families compare health insurance plans for coverage and affordability . You may be eligible for reductions in monthly health care premiums known as premium tax credits . Normally the marketplace is open from November 1st - Jan 15th but you may be eligible based on special exceptions listed below : Changed your income $ Aged off a parent's plan 26 Got Married Moved to a new area X Lost coverage Y Got divorced Had a baby or adopted Gained citizenship Lost student health insurance Job Change ( Federal Poverty Level ) Special enrollment periods are only effective within 60 days of a qualifying life event . Beginning August 15th , the services for enrollment are by appointment only . DeKalb County Health Department Prevent - Protect - Promote Contact our Healthcare Enrollment Assistance Program Navigators 815-748-2498 or 815-748-2154 Medicaid applications can be submitted to the state year - round . Contact our navigators for assistance . If you have questions related to Medicare , please call Elder Care Services of DeKalb County at ( 815 ) 758-6550 This Health Enrollment Assistance Program - Navigator ( HEAP - N ) is supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( CMS ) of the US Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS ) as part of a financial award funded by CMS / HHS totaling $ 158.005.00 annually . The contents are those of the DeKalb County Health Department and do not necessarily represent the official views of nor on endorsement , by CMS / HHS , or the U.S. Government . For more information , visit us at | fl